JoeH wrote:
I went to reserve a Sunday night at a NY State Park and when I got to the check out screen it told me I needed to reserve 2 nights ( Sun and Mon) . Didn't fit with my schedule and I wasn't going to pay for something I wasn't going to use. So I booked at a local private CG at less cost than the 2 nights at the State Park.
I have run into various versions of having to book an extra day. Sometimes you can find an alternative spot or can adapt your schedule.
However often booking an extra day is the easiest solution.
An extra day at state park rates isn't a deal breaker for me vs. rearanging my schedule or staying someplace I don't want to be.
I will often book an extra day just so I can check out later vs. having to be out at check time. I prefer to leave at my leisure vs. leaving before I'm really ready.