GDS-3950BH wrote:
"Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., warned Tuesday that President Biden's sweeping executive orders related to the industrial energy sector will be detrimental to both the nation and his home state. "They are going to gut Louisiana like a fish. His war on oil and gas is going to hurt America. It is going to destroy our energy independence."
"Here is President Biden's new energy policy: We are not going to produce our own oil. Instead, we are going to buy oil from countries that hate us so they will have more money to buy weapons to try to kill us."
Kennedy remarked that Democrats like Biden have turned green energy and "climate change" into a religion, and the president is "sucking it up like a Hoover Deluxe."
"It's immeasurably foolish," Kennedy went on. "Most Americans support an all-of-the-above energy policy: Oil, gas, wind, solar, nuclear, geothermal, hydrogen. But they also understand that we can't run the greatest economy in all of human history without oil and gas."
The class clown John Kennedy, not related to the venerable. namesake, strikes again.
This time he was absent on current events class.
Otherwise, he would have known that his own idol and messiah, have grabbed-credit and told everyone who. cares to listen that we are no longer oil dependent, since six years ago anyways.
And the only reason we are still refining Saudi oil and still putting our own soldiers in harms way guarding the Gulf oil shipping lanes is because no one can cross those oil lobby to. invest to retrofit for purely domestic crude.
Nobody sheds a tear for LA. The state can continue to get tax money from the Northern and Coastal states that they hate so much and continue to elect this buffoon.