Yosemite Sam1 wrote:
Reisender wrote:
NRALIFR wrote:
Wanting ALL of the data to be considered isn’t “pointing fingers at a group of people”. All developed nations are part of the problem, and all should be included in any proposed solution.
Excluding any of the major players is the exact opposite of fairness.
Even under your policy proposal, at the rate of CO2 production growth in China, and the relative flatness to downward trending production in the US, we wouldn’t have to halve our production before asking China to join in. It would be better if everyone started making reductions now.
Good point. I agree.
And what measures to use for global collective action other than the fact that we are just 5% of the world population but contributing 25% to it's pollution.
I also thought we have International leadership. I just know that leadership is. not pointing fingers -- well, at least not lately in the last...
That’s for our respective governments to figure out. All contributors to the problem need to take a seat at the table and commit to making reasonable reductions. We all pooped in the litter box, we should all work to clean it up. Allowing any nation that is contributing as much to the problem as China is sit on the sidelines and contribute nothing to cleaning up the problem just isn’t right. It’s a bit too “cat-like” for me, and I’m a cat lover at heart.
It’s my understanding that the EU nations have done a tremendous job of reducing their collective CO2 emissions. But yet they’re still willing to work to do more. China should do their part too. I don’t know what “their part” is exactly, but I know it’s exactly not “nothing”.
And I’ll say it again, acknowledging ALL the data and ALL the contributors to that data isn’t pointing fingers. It isn’t racism, nationalism, xenophobia, or whatever evil sounding label you want to put on it. It’s just dealing with reality. As long as it takes to get a policy from proposal, through negotiations, to finalization, to legislation, to implementation, to at long last measuring whether they actually worked or not.........NONE of the big contributors can sit on the sidelines waiting to reach per-capita parity with the rest of the world before they jump in to help.
And I’ll tell you something else, these policies better friggin’ work.
Because if they don’t, we’ll probably be too broke for a do-over.