I couldn't believe all the space hardware they've collected! As you walk in, you need to duck to avoid the SR-71 hanging from the ceiling. They've got several Russian Soyuz and Apollo capsules there - like the Apollo 13 almost didn't make it back and a Soyuz - Apollo connected through a common hatch in case a rescue mission was needed. I lost count of the capsules they have on display. Allow a minimum of 4 hours to rush through this museum - longer if you want to read most of the information accompanying the displays.
This is a picture of the Apollo 13 module there on display.

They really went all out collecting the history of space. We had Wernher Von Braun and the Russians had Sergey Korolev (both Germans) as our space experts. It's all explained along with the displays.
I went in figuring on spending a couple of hours and was amazed at what they had. Hope you find the time and can get by there.