Ralph Cramden wrote:
doxiemom11 wrote:
Most credit cards require you to notify them "in writing" of any dispute for charges.
If your bank requires you to dispute charges in writing, you should shred that card and find another bank. The only time I have ever had to submit anything in writing when disputing a charge was if the merchant in turn disputed the charge back, and the bank needed to escalate the claim.
X2 Phone call works for us.
The last one was 2 fraudulent charges. One was a online purchase shipped to us and the shipping address was changed 1 day before delivery to a nearby town. The UPS delivery indicated a woman accepted the package at that address. We did receive a snail mail form to fill out and were reasonably sure the merchant disputed the charge.
The item was a $900 pair of very high end hiking boots from a company in Colorado. We certainly understand why the merchant was unhappy. We're reasonably sure this occurred from a hospital cafeteria charge.
Years ago someone charged airline tickets to us 3 weeks in advance. The credit card company said they would be meet them at the airport.
This is sad don't you think? Plus we pay $0 in credit card fees while others pay 20%.