soren wrote:
The OP..remember?? the one who started this thread.. was not singled out for anything. Everyone has to pay the price or dont come in.
My response was specifically addressing WRVPO's sickening attitude toward disabled guests, not the OP's complaint. That said, being denied the ability to have someone enter the park, briefly, to pick up a disabled guest, without an outrageous fee, is a pretty textbook definition of failing to make reasonable accommodation. Not only would this situation look pretty bad in the local press, and any RV review site that is willing to post it, but it's well worth contacting the state's disability advocate office with the info.
Well my "sickening attitude" comes from people threatening to do this or that, rather than asking for assistance. I stand by my statement that people using the ADA as a club, rather than a guide makes businesses wary of the disabled. It is common knowledge that there is a group of disabled advocates (or scammers, take your choice) that make their living going to businesses, finding small violations of the ADA laws and threatening to sue if they are not paid off. The violations they cite are things like the toilet being a half inch too low, the ramps having a 6.5 percent grade instead of the specified 6 percent and on and on.
I spend the vast majority of my time helping guests. I go out of my way, above and beyond, to make people's vacations as enjoyable as possible. However, threaten me with a lawsuit, a bad review or just plain badmouthing to your friends if I don't do something you want and you will get NOTHING.
Typical of most rants, the OP has mislead everyone. The fee for visitors at the campground in question is $6.00 per person, not $18.00. The $18.00 apparently comes from the OPs desire to have three people come in and pick them up. Everyone talks about making reasonable accommodations, how about the OP's friends staying outside the park while ONE person goes in to pick them up? Then you have a much more reasonable fee of $6.00.
Logically, the only reason three people would have to go in would be because they actually aren't just driving in, picking up the guests and leaving, but actually plan on staying a while.