OP said: My guess for next year is we will boondocks 5 or 6 weekends total (2 or 3 nights each time). With that said, what would you do keeping cost in mind? Not trying to find the literal cheapest way, rather I'm looking for "bang for the buck". With what the OP said I don't understand the solar recommendations. 2 6 v CG batteries from Sam's Club or Batteries plus will be less than $200 and will easily last 2 or 3 nights, a buddy heater or similar if you camp in cold weather would eliminate the need for the propane furnace which uses a lot of electricity. My Sam's Club batteries are 13 years old now and I can still go a week with no genset use and batteries would be at 50% SOC. I always run out of water before battery power. So best "bang for the buck" would be 2 6v GC batteries. Just check regularly fully charge after dry camping, equalize several times a year and they will last you a long time and be much cheaper in the long run than Li, Gel etc. Remember a lot of people on here have more energy requirements or fulltime but for the average part time boondocker 2 6v GC batteries will be more that adequate for your needs.