oldmattb wrote:
Port Aransas, Texas
Matt B.
Don't bother...Port Aransas has become openly hostile to RVers parking on their beaches. They say that three days is the limit and then you have to leave the city. Not move to another spot, but leave the city limits completely. Last week they were actually banging on the sides of folks units in the middle of the night, yelling at them to leave the city limits.
I have wintered down here for several years , and this is the first time this has ever happened. In the past, Port A. would welcome the boondockers that came down and parked on the beach for a month or so. It was the slow time of the year, tourist-wise, so they brought in money to the stores, bars and restaurants on the island. And, PAPD actually liked us because we would call them whenever we spotted problems out there. Likewise, businesses like the Beach Lodge would welcome us with open arms. A lot of us would also take it upon ouselves to pick up trash left behind by tourists.
But now, it appears they are slowly trying to drive RVers and "Winter Texans" out in favor of folks who can build million-dollar homes, which went up at a record rate in town this past year. Getting rid of the "beach people" is obviously the first step. They have also prohibited the construction of any new RV resorts on the island.
It's too bad, because with over ten miles of beach, you could park way down the beach and and maybe see one or two cars a day, or you could park closer in, and bicycle to the grocery store or any of the other businesses in town. Business that, by and large, are not happy about the city and the police depatment harassing these folks. But now, it appears that Port A. wants to become some kind of Texas-style Hamptons.
I'm gonna miss Port A. Anyone know of another South Texas beach where you can boondock without a hassle?