Got the Shaw Direct signal here at 97 to 99 Percent.
Must say both Dishpointer & Satellite Look-Angle were both wrong on the Skew Angle.
I had the 2.0 inch outside diameter mast pipe Plumb and perfectly vertical (checked with a level)
Here is the Data from both & where I found the signal
Azimuth (true): 230.8°
Azimuth (mag.): 236.4° using Compass
Elevation: 44.2°
LNB Skew: 43.5°
Satellite Look Angle
Azimuth (true) 228.58
Azimuth (mag) 234.18
Elevation 45.6
Skew Angle 121.7
Where I found the Signal
Azimuth (mag) was about right
Elevation 45.5 About right
Skew Angle 133.5 Way Way off especially Dishpointer
So I don't know what to say on using the above guides to help, I have used dishpointer many times in the past with Expressvu but never had to use Skew in setting up the dish, the data was always correct for Magnetic Azimuth & Elevation.
So I guess we will have to feel our way along. I called Shaw re the values & they were about right on elevation & right on with the Skew. I also had the exact Lats & Longs for my position, they were using Sebring, Highlands County, Florida about five miles to the east from us & a tad south so this is close enough. Oh yeah they gave me different values for skew the first time & corrected it the second call as they said the 75 Cm Dish has a different skew from the regular one....does that seem funny to anyone? They were very helpful & what a great thing to be able to talk to your satellite provider rather than have the service cut off when the provider finds out you are south of the 49th Parallel...... not mentioning any names!
Anyway for what its worth that was my setup.