Regarding the skew angles, there has been some discussion over at about having to play with the skew setting (away from the calculated values as provided on Look angle)to peak the signal in some areas of the US. This was for Hughes satellite internet but Shaw employs the same technology. So, you may have to move the skew around just like you do with the azimuth and elevation to peak the signal.
Canuck, on edit since I'm still topping up on caffeine this morning, I thought that I would throw in the coordinates of Sebring Fla (27.496, 81.440) that I got off Streets and Trips into the look angle program on my computer.
I get the following values for dish aiming (Shaw sat "B"):
Az: 236.5 (magnetic)
elevation: 44.3
Skew: 43.5, adding 90 for Shaw gives 133.5.
These seem to agree closely to the ones you found the sat at. I thought about getting the dishpointer app, now I'm haveing second thoughts if it's inaccurate!