VagrantVan wrote:
Who knew what other prejudices might be uncovered if we were allowed to purchase space at his park? He then cautioned me AGAINST considering any other small park in the area, implying they were dens of iniquity. So, help me out, dear readers. Have others encountered this bias against those who are toad-less?
First he refuses you service for biased and foolish reasons, then he bashes the competition. Definitely NOT the type of owner/manager I would want to deal with. Your suggestion that he might have other "issues" once you arrive is probably correct Probably runs the camp ground like his own little fiefdom. Stay away and go back to those ratings sites you found on him and leave your own rating of your experience.
I have stayed at many different places and this is beyond and over the top behavior. The only bias I have heard about is by age of vehicle... generally the places that have age restrictions are trying to keep out the garbage RVs that look like something will fall off of going down the road. Usually if the rig looks good they do not care about age unless it is one of those hoity-toity resort types that cater to the well-to-do.