Forum Discussion

chrisinarizona's avatar
Dec 12, 2014

Blue Mesa Recreational Ranch

My dues are due the end of this month. Anybody know what's going on. The web site is down, Blue Mesa has a new name. We're down to 4 or 5 parks.Can AOR membeship be in in trouble?
  • I want to thank Don and Lee for their advice regarding cancelling my membership in western Horizons and Blue Mesa Ranch. As back ground I have been a member of Blue Mesa Ranch for 19 years, and for the last 10 years my annual dues have been $275.00 a year, plus I am a member of AOR with dues of $99.00 a year. I haven' t visited Blue Mesa for a least 5 years, but I have been using AOR extensively. They are based out of the same office in Gunninson, Colorado that Western Horizons uses, so I wondering with all that is going on at Western Horizons (and who really knows what is going on), how they will fare in the future.

    I did mail my cancellation dues statement this past week to Blue Mesa, certified mail, return receipt requested. As an interesting aside, the bill said Blue Mesa Ranch but the envelope said Blue Mesa Recreational Ranch. I appreciated Don's email reply to this post, about finding a park he could be a member in, allowing him to retain his AOR membership. I have contacted that park, it's in Georgia, but my preference would be to become a member of a park in the West.

    If any one knows of a park that I can join, for annual dues only ( I'm not wanting to put out any more than annual dues), you can email me at:
  • There are only 3 parks left that Western Horizon still owns, everything else has been sold. You can still go to the other parks but instead of paying the 3-5 bux a nite, now you will now be paying anywhere from 10 to 15 a nite.

    By law, when a park was sold, a replacement was to be purchased within a certain distance from the sold one. This as never happened and therefore WH has broken their contract with those that purchased.

    I saw what was happening and moved my AOR and C2C to another park before my home park got sold. Instead of paying WH the 300+, I now pay 60 per year to my home park.