Mar 14, 2015Explorer
Blue Ridge Pkwy
I would love to hear from those of you who have done the BRP from end to end in a trip. How did you do it? Where did you stay? How long at each cg? Any other details you might add. Thanks!
agesilaus wrote:
"By looking at that chart, only the minimum height was the numbers posted by the other poster. That's minimum. If you look at the maximimum (center height) that is what the height is in the minimum."
If you are referring to the numbers I posted. Those are from the Wikipedia "Blue Ridge Tunnels" page and the number are Maximum height at the tunnel center. Those tunnels are both near the southern start of the BRP and I suspect a lot of people start at a point somewhat further north. We did on the trip north and we exited before those tunnels on the way south. Not because of the tunnels but it was just a better spot to use.