JaxDad wrote:
I think the part most people are missing in all of this ‘flying’ discussion is the quarantine part.
A quarantine is very easy to do and enforce when you fly directly into a destination city.
When the destination is a 3, 4, 5 or more day drive from the border it’s not nearly so easy to do or enforce.
That's more or less what we've been told Jaxdad. As I for one couldn't get my head around why mixed bubble air flights versus own self contained car/rv bubble, but it made somewhat a little more sense when explained to us as follows by CBA official.
It is far easier for them to control air travellers and check up that they are quarantining than it is to control several auto border crossings back and forth especially with so many that would be crossing for just a day or two back and forth shopping etc, and those travelling over several days stopping and starting from a tracking perspective of virus.
Seeing what's happening in the UK/France numbers right now and a looming second lockdown if the public don't start adhering to COVID protocols, and just generally rising numbers in several countries it would make sense for them to keep the border closed as well implement more stiffer penalties for those not adhering to STAY SAFE TO STAY OPEN mandates.
Believe me I don't like this any more than the next person, but it's got this bad purely because too many aren't adhering to the suggested way of handling oneself today.
FWIW: I visited with a prospective client yesterday and asked what his take was with COVID-19, as he would potentially be exposed moreso if we did business, he said "it's all political, doesn't worry me in the slightest" :S. So therein lies what's helping to contribute to higher spread rates again.