Ok, I think I have read enough of your opinions. As I see it, the only reason for someone retired and no longer 'making' money at a taxable level to be worried is the health insurance/coverage issue.
We have been filling out that 8840 form for a couple of years and will continue to do so as long as the numbers dictate we should. As suggested, that form is for IRS purposes and possible income taxation. However, if you are below the basic exemption level for income tax, this would be a moot point and of no consequence to the IRS. As a group, we Canadian and American snowbirds are in the southern US spending money that is welcome to the many southern communities and resulting in employment for the cities and states we visit. Most, if not all are thankful for the snowbird migration. We are net beneficial to the local economies as long as we do not take away jobs from the US citizens or stress out public services. The positives outweigh the negatives as I perceive it.
I know several Canadians who count the 182 days and have for several years considered that the penalty free allowance. Some of them have faithfully filled out the 8840 form, if they have income, and others have not and have never been questioned about time in the US. I also have american friends, some with military officer backgrounds, that do not think their government would have much interest in us nor do they believe their government is tracking or talking to our government about our comings and goings. Think about crossing over into Mexico. The Mexicans don't ask us for a passport or anything when we cross over. We are only asked for passports when coming back into the US.
Anyway, I just thought I'd throw out this topic to see what you all thought about this issue.