I purchesed a class in TUCSON all the paper work was sent to the US side of the border, by the dealer
and has to be there 3 days befor you can cross in to Canada
The unit has to be driven out of state, by them, with you on board,to a Notary Public,
the dealer have all this under control
You will get a 90 day permit so as to drive back to the border or have a short trip first
At the border
1: You stop on the US side first to de register the unit take 10 mins
2: You then proceed to cross the border and declare your purchase
3: You will then need to goinside to pay GST took me 15mins
4: next to an office to setup an inspection, 20mins
mine was done at Canadian Tire 5 mins max
All they did was to count the tires and charge an inviro. tax
Paper work will be sent you from Canadian Tire by Email next day
you can now get insurance, and pay PST
you most likely will need to set up how you plan to pay them
In US dollars
I had a certified cheque, but you could setup a cash tranfer to a bank nearby