Sad developments indeed. I'd make your decisions based on individual park, how crowded and popular they tend to get. Parks that are less known and less visited would probably suffer the least impact. I, personally, no longer camp in national parks because of overcrowding, I boondock on other public lands fulltime and trash, toilet paper and general disrespect towards the land situation had been exploding since 2020 or even 2019 and not easing up, I'm the one who often cleans up public lands as there is not enough manpower in understaffed and underfunded public land agencies, not just national parks but I can assure you all federal lands will suffer the impact. I also help clearing roads and trails, another thing that needs more not less manpower. I suggest carrying trash bags and gloves to help clean up since all this is happening, and being ready to take down the plates of land abusers if you witness that and report them, having good binoculars helps