happycamper002 wrote:
almcc wrote:
...The other thing we notice at this time of the dip is that some parks offer reductions to Canuks, the park we are at offers 5% off for Canuks and I understand some parks offer Canuks "at par" rates.
If you do some planning, the hit isn't as bad!
RV Parks offering Canuks at par with USD aren't savvy entrepreneurs. The expenses for utilities and other services for upkeep won't offer such discounts for their services...not at over 30 percent discount. As the CDN $$ had diminished in value is reflected in the past year or so.
This reminds me of a joke about a couple of fruit vendors selling their produce the same amount they paid for their ware.
At the end of the day, they were overjoyed having sold all their stuff so they decided to buy another truck so they could load more and sell more persimmons.
I would avoid that RV park like a plague who runs this business model.
A vacant RV lot generates 0 dollars, a lot rented at 30 per cent off generates $$$, rent 30 of your vacant lots and it adds up to big $$$.
Your real estate taxes and insurance as well as many other costs remain the same, sounds like a smart move to me. You may also generate loyalty and have return business at full price in future years.