Forum Discussion

gapeachy's avatar
Sep 15, 2014

cataloochee camp groud great smokey mtns

has anybody been to cataloochee campgroud? we are looking to go there in Oct but heard the road to get there can be tight. we will be pulling a 25 ft camper. Also any stores around? we like wilderness camping but want to be prepared
  • We love the drive through there to see the elk herds.
    Don't worry about your TT. You will keep seeing the rear end of it many times going in/out to the campground. There are large units there so it must not be that bad pulling one. Just take your time with the blind curves and such. Everyone that I have ever talked to who camped there, loved it.
  • We went in to see the elk but never again. I couldn't wait to get off that narrow, curvy, road. Not to mention blind curves with no gard rails basically a cannon below. When I say narrow as in pray that you don't meet anyone. We went in from the Maggie Valley side. Of course I'm a female but my dh was glad to get off that road. We were driving a Tahoe. Many folks make that trip but once is enough for me.
  • What the others said. And ALL sites at Cataloochee ALWAYS require reservations. It's due to the nature of the road in and out... people get there late, don't have a site, and the road is really not safe to drive at night for someone who is unfamiliar with it.
  • We have been several times with our Jeep Cherokee. Have not camped.

    Agree with the previous post about the roads. You can probably get your trailer up there but be very cautious. You also will require reservations.

    The nearest store is miles away. IIRC the closest will be over by I40.
  • No stores near there. The road to the cg is definitely tight. 5 or 6 (iirc) miles of gravel with lots of turns and blind curves. Just take your time and you should be fine. Lots of units your size go in there. Cataloochee area is well worth the hassle getting there.