There is no "may" about it. If you go each year the limit is about 120 days because of the "carry forward".
The current law allows a 240 day stay if you own US property to the value of $250,000.00
The visa "twist" may have been in place just like the 183 (really 121) day rule. But until June of 2013 the border folks had to look up the information manually. Now it is automatic.
Just because folks "got away" with ignoring the visa limits for many years does not mean that such activity will not be without consequences in the new "electronic" age.
luckyd wrote:
If you are going to the states on a frequent basis
you need to fill out Form 8840. This shows a closer tie
to Canada than the USA. It is for tax purposes only.
If you do not fill out the form each year you "MAY"
be only entitled to 120 days. This form must be sent in
by the end of June each year. You need to fill in each
years number of days for the past three years.
Homeland Security is the department that limits the stay
to 180 days.
The Canadian Snowbird Association has been trying to get
us 240 days per year. This is known as The Canadian Retirement Visa.
There will be certain rules that pertain to getting one.
I have been snowbirding for many years and each year I make sure
I am up to date on all R and R's regarding crossing the border.