JFNM wrote:
Great info!! Thanks Ken! I rode CT-14 yesterday but haven't ridden any others. Work and the cold days (Fri-Sat) really put the damper on things. I'm still recovering from 3 arm surgeries this year so I have to be gentle - plus I'm terribly out of shape because of that. If you had to pick a couple trails that are not terribly difficult, are beautiful single-track, and don't require a shuttle - what would they be??
I was thinking Rainbow would be one (starting ending at Columbine Trail/Parking. Possibly 'Monarch to Fooses Creek' (requires shuttle).
I hear you about the surgery thing. Had my shoulder done a year ago after a snowboard crash then a mountain bike crash the next weekend. Don't know if it will ever be the same. I'm pretty cautious nowadays.
I mentioned the Midland Trail out of BV. Just go to the park at the end of Main Street. Ride across the bridge. The first mile or so is the toughest esp. right along the river. After that it's a much easier ride. When you see the sign for the Barbara Whipple Trail going left, stay straight. Much easier climb. Once on the dirt road, just follow it until it becomes single track. This is an out and back. Maybe seven miles one way. There are a few places I still get off and walk. I'm a little chicken after that fall in Moab.
Salida Mountain has so many options. Park at the end of F street or as near as you can. Ride through the opening in the fence, cross the railroad tracks and double back on the dirt road on the other side. Keep an eye out for a road to the right near a few houses and go up that road. In a few hundred yards, take Sgt. Pepper Trail to Burnpile. Left on Frontside. Cross the road and take Lil' Rattler to Backbone to Cottonwood. We'll often ride a mile or so up Cottonwood until it goes into the rocky wash then turn around for a rip roaring swoopy downhill. Cross back across the creek and turn left on Sweet Dreams. After a half mile or so you'll come to another Sweet Dreams sign at the saddle. Go straight up the hill for the easier route. This will eventually dump you right down to where you crossed the RR tracks. The trails are well marked and there are occasional maps showing the trails along with their ratings.
For Methodist Mountain, drive to the east end of town and look for the Burmac Grocers sign. Turn in there. You'll see the parking area shortly on the left. Park there and ride up Race Track to Little Rainbow. We usually ride only as far as the parking lot, then return by the same route. One of Allison's favorite rides. Just under 7 miles one way.
I'd still recommend riding up Silver Lakes Creek Road and coming down lower Rainbow Trail. There are a few places I walk my bike up some steep climbs out of drainages, but overall a great ride.
BTW, I don't know where "CT-14" even is.
Have fun.