bgum wrote:
H,J,K,M,O are generator loops.
All nights are paid in full at the time of check-in. Early departures are non-refundable.
The maximum stay permitted at Colter Bay Campground is 14 nights, and the maximum cumulative stay between all park campgrounds is 30 nights.
Guests may check-in at 12 PM. Check-out is 11 AM.
Maximum guests allowed per site (not including group sites) is six.
Tent sites allow for up to one tents and two vehicles. Multiple or over-sized tents are only permitted in sites designated for multiple tents.
RV sites allow for one RV (tow included) only. (For reference, 2 motorcycles = 1 vehicle)
Quiet hours are 10pm - 7am. Generators are only permitted in loops H, J, K, M, and O between the hours of 8am and 10pm.
Camping accommodations are pet-friendly. Please review Campground & National Park Pet Regulations.
Wildlife activity is prevalent in the park. Please be familiar with food storage and wildlife safety guidelines.
U.S. citizens or permanent residents with permanent disabilities can apply for an Access Pass / Senior Pass through the National Park Service
Yep, we stayed in one of the generator loops. If i remember right, the generator loops are past the non-generator loops.