Well I can tell you I just looked up the Wal Marts in my area and I noticed they are all a no camp area. Reason here is, the homeless population has caused havoc in the region, with the constant and aggressive panhandling and the large homeless encampments trashing the area!
Neighbor hoods have called on the Counties to do something about it and they did. It was addressed that the local Wal Mart was a large homeless target area and that Wal Mart was doing nothing about it! Community leaders and local law enforcement pressured these big box stores to do something!!
The large Wal Mart Super store within a few miles of where I live had an on going problem with a Large homeless encampment that us locals referred to as "King of the Hill", A large empty lot to the rear of two big box stores and bordered by the railroad tracks. A large dirt mound was over taken by homeless campers, First with tents and then by Motor Homes, Eye sore motor homes and a truck camper!
These were in extremely poor condition and not registered. Laundry lines were strung up and large trash piles formed! Dumping of sewage and vehicle maintenance being performed (oils changes just being dumped). One urban camper actually changed the engine in his truck camper and left the old motor in the field!!
Aggressive Panhandling and drug dealing were common occurrences! It became a very unstable area for a while, After constant pressure from the community, Southern Pacific and home Depot teamed up along with local Sheriffs to clear the area out and declare it a non encampment zone!!
The homeless were pushed towards the river areas of the City and it all began over again, The city stepped in and cleared them out!! Now the Homeless are demonstrating Downtown for there right to "Rest"!!
It out of hand! So I am not upset that Wal Mart and other large stores do not allow camping or long term stopping! We have been to kind and it has come back to bite us in the rear!! I do not have a long term fix, but we have come to see changes in society now a days, Nothing is for free!!