Oasisbob wrote:
I am afraid they will, once again, begin closing campgrounds. Truly I am closer to my neighbors at home than in my self contained RV with the family. I believe a contributing factor is the large number of unmasked protesters in cities across the U.S. who protest nightly atleast here in Portland Oregon. Much more than folks simply trying to camp
Actually it isn't. People marching outside aren't nearly as likely to become infected as those cramming into bars, pools, family gatherings that are indoors with no masks! Most of the marchers are wearing masks, and moving so that they are getting large doses from an infected person. Look at July 4th gathering of boats on a sandbar in one of Michigan's lakes. LOADS OF PEOPLE there, partying, singing, dancing, etc., 10 days later the ERs are seeing incoming cases.
Because of medical issues, we didn't leave our park model in Arizona this spring, we are still here. Not many in the park, no socialization going on. We keep to ourselves going out to pickup groceries (they bring it to the car) and having other things delivered, plus assorted medical appointments. I do pickup takeout 2-3 times a week, otherwise my best friend and I are trying to ride out the heat. Don't see it will be much different this winter, but why huddle in in the cold, when you can do so in the warm?