lakeside013104 wrote:
"Project' or not, the 'deceit' is what will get you into trouble. Does not need to be an 'over zealous' Inspector. Just an Inspector doing the job they have been trained to do and sworn a "Oath" to do.
Simply stated, the law reads that any "self propelled" (motor driven) item that can cross the border under it's own power, needs to be imported into the USA, if said item is intended to remain in the USA.
Even a motorcycle in pieces and in a box could eventually become a self propelled item. The intent of bringing a box full of parts is easily recognizable for what it is. These border Officers are not brain dead. They are trained to recognize deception at all levels.
If the item to be imported is of US, Canadian, or Mexican manufacture, there is no duty involved. If the item is dutiable, that duty is a small percentage of the value of the item. Example: an item worth $100 from Japan has a duty of 4% or a meager $4 duty. Duties that low are usually waived by the inspecting Officer. Judgment call to be made by that Officer's own discretion.
The importation process is FREE and can be done in a few minutes by any US border Officer at the time of entry into the country.
Honesty is always the best policy. You stated that you intended to bring in an old motorcycle, in pieces to give to someone. Declare your intent, and pay a meager duty, maybe. No negative issues that could lead to major problems if the so called 'project' is determined to be one that includes deception at the border crossing.
The border Officers have great authority at the border and vast levels of discretion. If no deception is detected, most likely all you would have invested is a few minutes of your time for being sincere and honest. Your future ability to freely cross into the USA would NOT be restricted.
Peace of mind and the positive 'feeling' of having done the 'right' thing would be your companion.
The bike is just an other vehicle registered in his name. You tell customs that it is being imported for resale you are begging for an import license,,, want to be hassled, try that route. you will be in line with every auto importer and most likely be there 6-8 hours.