Forum Discussion

Paleo_Ron's avatar
Jun 01, 2016

Difficulty With Florida State Parks

Well, I don't know if I waited too long, but I've started looking for sites at the state parks, and I can't believe how crowded some places are. Parks in the SW such as Myakka River seem to be booked solid, and I don't even have a very large trailer. And forget weekends! On the other hand, I've managed to get a week each at Henderson Beach and Topsail Hill, so that's encouraging.

By the way, when specifying the length of your trailer, should one include the length of the pull vehicle?
  • If you can't get a site at the park you want at exactly 8:00 am, check back at 8:15. Some people use multiple computers and family/friends that all click on different sites at the same time. If they capture more than one site, the system holds them for 15 minutes. They pick the one they like best and the rest are released by the system when the hold expires. I was able to book a 2 week stay in Myakka River's Palmetto Ridge full hookup section for next March at 8:15 that way.
  • It's called 'planning ahead'....sometimes way ahead.

    Roll with the flow. :W
  • If it makes you feel better (probably not) this is not a Florida issue, it is a National, State, and Provincial park issue.
  • Way to long people sit on the internet exactly 11 months to the day to make reservation which makes you good today for reservation next May
  • The parks with water book up 11 months out. It is poorly managed by reserveamerica IMHO. Many parks have empties all week and even weekends because the big sites go first and bigger rigs cant fit in.
    You will see a popup in a 70' site.

    The length is listed as equipment length and does not include your extra vehicle.

    You can also reserve handicap sites if the others are booked.
  • Your in summer trying to book in summer that's all you need to know about difficulty