There are many ways nowdays to stay in touch. How old will the grandkids be in 6 years? By then they'll probably be involved with their own activities and the parents will be busy shuttling them around. When we began full-timing 16+ years ago we didn't even have a cell phone or internet. We managed very well the old-fashioned way - writing letters and calling them up from a telephone booth. We sent them postcards or trinkets from where we traveled. In their early years we spent Nov & Dec in Gulf Shores, Alabama; left the RV parked and drove the vehicle back north for the holidays. . . same for their birthdays. Sometimes we even flew from wherever to attend special school occurences. Sometimes just grandma would fly for a visit. During their summer vacations we either traveled to spend a chunk of time with them or they came to us for their vacation. We've also taken the grandkids alone and traveled to special places. Now they're much older and have their own lives but we still fit in quality time. Neither our kids or grandkids have ever complained about our lifestyle. They have great rememberances about places they've been because of our RVing. It's worked out just fine. You'll find your own ways!