Our GC are still young, ages 3 to 6. As I said, we have to deal with lots of emergencies with our family, (car trouble, kids illnesses/accidents, most recently-a flooded basement). Plus, school plays, soccer games, etc. One time, we were at a campsite,(my son forgot that we had left). He called me and said he was on his way to drop off his daughter so he could take son to ER for stiches. It broke my heart to have to tell him that we were 300 miles away!
Granted, I guess all of these things could have been handled by the kids some other way, but I like feeling needed and reliable. Plus, it's been my personal experience that as they get older, they still tend to rely on mom and dad. That's why we will stay here and deal with the winter.
PS: As I type, it's 15 degrees! :)