Seems like I heard someone once mention ants here. They were right. Tiny red/orange ants and lots of them especially if you find yourself standing in their area while trying to hook up your solar panels.They don't seem to bite too hard but you still get that creepy up the leg feeling.
In answer to a few of the previous posts I realize I am here too early WyoT but I have about 8 weeks of slow greenhouse selling season so this is my time. With the new laws in Wa. and the coming law in Oregon business will be brisk again next year. The wife decided to play with grandkids with her time off.
Yes the name of that place was The Pit Stop (thanks Tex), didn't meet the mean lady just two really friendly informative guys that actually walked briskly out to the MH as soon as I pulled in looking lost.
JayGee, not going to turn this into a blog but I do plan to post a few times to help explain this area to folks like me that have never been here. Feel free to follow along or PM me.
Since I don't have a toad I won't be getting out too much so sorry about that.
Pizza will be the first time out amsgam.
It's supposed to cool down this weekend liltip, stop in if you get the chance. Right hand side of the main road 1/2 mile off the blacktop. Washington Minnie class c. Look for the MH with the shade cloth all over it.
Awesome pics don/shar.
As far as services I have found the cell tower about 1/4 mile away from me works pretty well. It also allows for a pretty fast hotspot capability.
TV not so much I scanned both analog and digital and came up with 7 digital by trying a reset every 90 degrees with my batwing antenna. Unfortunately I don't speak Spanish and none of the 7 channels spoke English. Glad I brought along the first 6 years of Saturday Night Live. (those first couple of years were way funnier back then).
Got my storage/navy shower area set up beside and behind the moho. I am using one of those ez up canopies with camo tarp all the way around the sides. It's a great place to get all of the big stuff out of the MH. Case of pop case of beer. Have to pause there at beer. I usually drink 1 or 2 beers a week at home but before I knew it I was opening #4 here in only a couple of hours. It just seems to taste better here. That and the fact that you have to drink it faster so it won't get warm.
Nice and dry here too. If you happen to be from a state where the moisture in the air just migrates directly through your skin (like wa. or Or.) Be ready to drink lots of water. I wish I had bought the icemaker I was thinking about before I left.
I did bring one extra 12v battery and 2 100 watt solar panels. I ran an oscillating desk 12" fan all night blowing into the bedroom area off of a small 500 watt invertor, otherwise I would have slept outside on the reclining chair.
That brings to mind the Stars, zillions of them, should have brought the smallish telescope. Even without it though the sky is amazing here. Still a little light pollution but an awesome view just the same.
So many thing in just one day but my typing finger is getting tired so gotta go.
If anyone has any suggestions for a better place to be posting these posts (other that a blog) (I've already done that and got tired of it after a year at I am all ears.