dreamer wrote:
WyoTraveler said "Different RVers stay in different places. Amateurs stay south of of Quartzsite on hwy 95 at mile post 99."
We're planning Quartzsite in January and surely don't want to be classified as Amateurs, so where should we park? Ha! This will be our first trip to Quartzsite. Thanks.
My guess he's talking about Yuma....but I'm not sure. ANYWHERE around Quartzsite has amateurs AND "experienced". We've done La Posa south 3 times now and because of other dry camping, I consider us an "experienced". We've camped/met others that have drycamped there for 25 yrs and others that are experiencing it for the first time. Do not worry, just go down and plop yourselves and remember, if the ground is SANDY, avoid camping on it. Sandy means water, means a "wash". Park on the hardpacked ground. :) There's plenty for everyone! See you in January!