Arkansas WMA'S are a world of their own. For some reason, according to the Attorney General conclusions that I've read, Ark WMA'S do not fall under "JOURNEY" laws. There seems to be some state laws that trump federal laws which is not suppose to be. Interesting reading.
It looks like the 2013 Arkansas Gun Law changes made it legal to carry in some of these places, but again, the Game and Fish Folks have yet to revise their regulations to reflect state laws. The state law is also up for ammendment due to the language that most believe made open carry legal for "Journey" but the Attorney General says that even though the law says so, that wasn't it's intention and he considers it illegal. So regardless of the Ark governors signature on a law that makes it legal, it's illegal. Even most local sheriff's aren't enforcing it until they have something more concrete than the written law.