I would choose fire ants over noseeum. Those are the worst sob I have ever run into. You can research them online but they are common in many tidal areas. We didn't have a problem with them when we stayed inland around Lake City Fl during the winter but I wouldn't be surprised if they were around when it warmed up.
We also ran into them in other coastal swampy areas of the gulf. As mentioned above, if you want to be bug free go out to Az and Socal. I have been going out there the last four winters and have never seen a snake or scorpion. If the temps go up there may be flies. I have spent a week or so on Padre Island and dont remember noseum but it may also depend on the temperatures. Others may be able to tell you more about RGV area. I have had a good number of fire ant bites in Texas but only because of working around my sons property.
The fire ants are avoidable but noseeum are relentless. I would live in an apartment or in a downtown city or move out of the country before I'd live in noseeum areas. Life is too short. I have used clear nail polish on them and it seems to help the itching. Mex said to boil water and wet a q tip and touch the area. God I hate those things. Mosquitoes? Kids stuff.