I am highly allergic to noseeums.
I tried everything to get rid of them. They lay in the grass at night. I 'finally' found that if I sprayed the grass around where I was And around and under the MH with Ortho Home Defense Insect Spray, found at Walmart and big box stores.
It was the only thing I found that worked. I sprayed the ground heavily right before I went to bed every night for a day or two and they were long gone and/or all dead. :B
Note: Be sure to buy Ortho Home Defense. Do NOT buy the one called Spectricide. It caused me breathing problems and is harmful around pets.
BTW: come on up to the north central Florida area. Where I am at there aren't even any mosquitoes! Scenery is much nicer and waaay more things to do with all the clear blue springs and rivers. And a mere hour from either coast. IMHO Florida's best kept secret, so shhh don't tell everyone!
There really is more of Florida than the buggy, humid, swamps of the South! :W