Stormy Eyes wrote:
I plan ahead. I am waiting at the computer to hit the button when reservations open. But I do not have a bot network. I do not have any special computer program. I do not even have an extended family all hitting buttons for me. As a full timer, I do not even have a great, high speed connection; just cell service or campground wifi. I'm not saying that people who have some of those things are acting badly or gaming the system; just not easily within my grasp.
So even if rules are altered somewhat, I might not get a spot at Bahia Honda or another state park in the keys in the winter. I understand that and I can live with that (plenty of other pretty spots in other parks). Still, even if I am not among them, I would rather many people get to enjoy our state's wonderful campgrounds in the Keys for short periods each, rather than fewer people getting those slots for many nights. And if somebody does spend many nights at those exceptionally high demand parks, I would not mind seeing that person pay prices for some of those nights ( as they would at private parks).
This is my thinking. The Publicly owned parks, be they local, state, or Federal, have an obligation to be available to all citizens, and by allowing a few number of people to stay, and stay, and stay, they make it impossible for the other citizens to use and enjoy those wonderful parks.
I also suspect that long timers don't spend the dollars on eating out at the famous seafood restaurants, spending money on other "touristy" things, that help the local economy more than someone living in their RV for the winter just to enjoy good weather. Its hard to quantify, but short term vacationers are much better for the economy than "residents".