Thanks JSO, looks pretty good to us. Especially concrete pads and what appears to level property with shade trees.
Sadly the Fox Fire location was lacking in a lot of things. They may be able to turn it into a nice place one day, but right now it is on the side of a very steep hill. Sites are nicely spaced but most are a bit short for a big rig. Gravel sites are ok, but it has not been bedded down like it should be to make it possible for my wife to get around on her mobility scooter. There is a creek but it is small and down a steep embankment to approach it. They have planted some trees but it will be years before they become shade.
I spoke with the owner via phone and he has a great attitude and the right ideas but I am not sure it will become popular because it is nearly 2 miles (1.7) off the main 4 lane on a narrow curvy hilly secondary road. I wish him the best