Yeah, for $52 I'd sure hope Bluewater was a step-up from boondocking on the beach--lol! We were only considering the Brazoria beach option for a potential 1-2 night stay. Camping at/on the beach can be a nice change-up. Sorry to hear it has soft-rutted sand at the entrance. When we were in Brownsville a couple of years ago they had 4 or 5 off-road vehicles waiting at the beach entrance pulling folks out for whatever cash they had in their wallet.
Bluewater stood out when we were researching options a few days ago. It's out there, surrounded by dunes and not much else. For some, that's a big plus. Seems to have good reviews. Has big concrete pads, a canal with hungry fish, and a relatively easy walk to the beach. Most important to us, they expect some availability throughout Jan. It's a good potential plan A; however, we'll feel better with if we can line-up a good plan B and C, too.
Thanks for all the replies. Please keep 'em coming!