I keep reading this, but I just have not seen it, though I too just got back into RV travel after a 15 year break last year. Sure the crowds may be up a bit, but there are still spaces out there. I just returned home to Louisiana from Wyoming where I toured Yellowstone and then watched the big Solar Eclipse. Sure I made reservations for Yellowstone, and the place where we watched the eclipse, but statistics say there were more vehicles visiting Wyoming that day than there are vehicles registered in the state. However for the 9 day somewhat round about drive home by way of Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas thanks to Harvey I never made a reservation, and had no problems finding a place to spend the night. This included a popular small Forest Service campground, two nights in a popular state park, a couple of local city/county RV parks and even a KOA in Texarkana as Harvey was making its second or third landing in Louisiana. Now because I was taking my time waiting for Harvey to get out of the way, I was stopping earlier in the day most days, and there were few spaces left available at some of the more scenic campgrounds. However on the other hand I did spend the night at the Kansas State Fairground RV park where I was one of 5 or 6 RV at the 120+ space campground on a non-event weekend. Even the KOA in Texarkana was only half full on the Wednesday before Labor Day. I also had contingency plans for the Labor Day weekend if Harvey had stalled in Louisiana like it had in Texas, and had found multiple COE and State Park campgrounds in southern Arkansas with available for the weekend as late as the above mentioned Wednesday.