Forum Discussion

Drbolasky's avatar
Mar 18, 2015

Gettysburg Battlefield Resort - Opinions?

Well, when we visited the Harrisburg RV show last month we made the mistake of entering one of the "drawings." Yeah, we "won" 15 nights of "free" camping (that's another story altogether) from Gettysburg Battlefield Resort.

I'd like to hear from any of you who have stayed there recently - the good, the bad and everything in between. ratings are interesting. GBR is among the lower-rated CG's in the Gettysburg area, but the negative reviews are typically older; 2011 or before. One review there states that the membership buy-in was $7000. Anybody know what the current price is?

I'm not opposed to staying there, or even putting up with their sales pitch but I'd rather not waste my time if it is nothing special.............. :)
  • We won one of those type of things too. It was a 'luxurious' cruise to the Bahamas. Turned out to be one of those timeshare promotion things. The ship name was somewhat familiar so I researched it & found it to be a 1950s built relic that used to visit Bermuda in the 60s.

    Oh yeah, you had to sign up to sit through like a half day 'presentation'.

    It took forever to get rid of those people. "NO" "NOT interested" was not in their realms of comprehension.

    Beware of what you have 'won'.
  • You would be very wise in not even going. Those people are very good at mesmorizing you did get you to write a check. If you do go to a presentation, they will do everything except water board you. Leave your credit cards and checkbook at home. It really isn;t worth the "free" camping!
  • We Cant Wait wrote:
    Having dealt with their parent corporation, Travel Resorts of America, I've found their salesmen to be TOTALLY dishonest in what they tell the prospective customers. As to the Gettysburg resort I've been there and would put it as OK. On the upper level at the front where the full hook ups are you have 2 choices 1) be in an area where you're one on top of the other with very little space between the campers, or 2) be out in the middle of what amounts to a parking ot with NO SHADE at all. They have expanded further down the hill toward the pond and the sites there are a lot bigger and well shaded. Bottom line it's a membership resort and they WILL try like heck to shove you into the highest priced membership that they can, thru almost out right coercion.

    Pay attention to this post, then also look at my location. The site that impressed me the most (I can't remember what number it was) was where my power pedestal was across the little drainage culvert with water in it. I had to run back home, get some lumber and then use that lumber to 'bridge' the culvert. I then ran the power cord across that bridge. There were a few sites like that. This was back in 2013. Haven't stepped foot on their property since.
  • Having dealt with their parent corporation, Travel Resorts of America, I've found their salesmen to be TOTALLY dishonest in what they tell the prospective customers. As to the Gettysburg resort I've been there and would put it as OK. On the upper level at the front where the full hook ups are you have 2 choices 1) be in an area where you're one on top of the other with very little space between the campers, or 2) be out in the middle of what amounts to a parking ot with NO SHADE at all. They have expanded further down the hill toward the pond and the sites there are a lot bigger and well shaded. Bottom line it's a membership resort and they WILL try like heck to shove you into the highest priced membership that they can, thru almost out right coercion.
  • They tried to get us after a rv show. they were really pushy and wouldn't take no for an answer. I would have been fine with staying a weekend there and even listening to a sales pitch but they wanted us there the next night for a sales pitch then the free camping would come later. Since its a 2 1/2 hour drive each way and it was during the week I said no way.

    That being said, if the sales pitch was on a weekend and included camping I would have gone. Even if it was only a so-so place, you're still in Gettysburg which is a pretty neat place to go.