GordonThree wrote:
How does flying fit into RV travel? Cargo plane for the class a or fiver?
My point, as you seem to have missed it, is that driving to Alaska is a bad idea. It's a LONG haul from anywhere in the US, and as I said, the Alaska Highway is not all that scenic or interesting, with the exception of the stretch near Kluane National Park. The road was not built to be scenic.
For the time and trouble of dragging an RV all the way there (and back!). you could fly there, RENT an RV, tool around, and then fly back. That would give you two more weeks in Alaska given the same amount of time, and you wouldn't get beaten up by two grueling week-long drives. On the way there, you might not mind it, but on the way back--well, imagine you've been driving for three days and you check and see that you still have 1,350 miles to go. ALSO, the AlCan is very hard on vehicles (not as bad as it used to be, but still...).
I realize that for many people, driving the AlCan is the adventure of a lifetime, or at least they think it will be. For me, it was the snooze of a lifetime. Alaska was amazing when I got there, but the drive was just not worth it. It's one of those experiences that is much better in the imagination than in reality.
Oh and by the way, yes, other places have mosquitoes, but northern Canada and Alaska have MOSQUITOES. You're OK as long as you carry a baseball bat to fend off the smaller ones.