Lauren wrote:
The red bus tours are nice but they do have a limitation - you are on THEIR schedule, not yours. You might keep that in mind. We prefer to drive so we can be on our time and, yes, also take our dog.
Yep, that is why it's called a tour :-)
In our visits, we did not have a toad, so the choices were the free shuttles or a Red Bus. The Red Buses are from the 1930s and are more like a stretch car than a bus, if you take a look at their photos, you will see what I mean.
Even if I had toad, I would still consider a Red Bus tour, as its informational, its a convertible, and just plain fun to ride in a vintage vehicle. You can take your toad and stop anywhere you please afterwards.
There are few pull outs on the narrow portion of GTTSR, so there are sights and views you will miss that you can see in a convertible, like a Red Bus.
But Lauren is right, you won't have time to hike at the pass or take a pet with you. But we did have a number of 15 minute stops. One was a bit longer as the driver took us on a short hike.