Lauren wrote:
North Rim is very limited views - go to South Rim. This is ongoing debate but that is a fact. And, as said, North Rim higher and not so good with your wife condition. God bless.
The North Rim has a much greater variety of views than the South Rim. That's because the South Rim is a single relatively even cliff edge, whereas the North Rim is irregular and has several peninsulas, or points, jutting into the canyon. So you can drive to viewpoints that are physically much closer to the Colorado even though the South Rim is closer to it than the North Rim developed areas.
There are four such viewpoints, all of which you can drive to, each of which offers a much different perspective than from the North Rim developed areas (Point Sublime Road is fairly rough). You might think there's not much to see at the North Rim if you didn't know about those side roads.
Altitude is high at either rim, so if your wife can cope with one, she can cope with either--but what seals the deal for me is that the South Rim is an absolute zoo in the summer, while the North Rim is a quiet oasis in the sky.