Forum Discussion

Lauren's avatar
Feb 18, 2015

Grant Teton - Yellowstone - Glacier

This probably falls into the category of OK to make plans; just don't plan the outcome -- but seeing posts on here again got DW and I thinking that we would like to get to these places one more time -- and I am a planner (enjoy it a lot).

OK, have been to all these places before but, God willing (we ARE getting older but still very healthy at this point)want to make one more trip up to these places from Tucson area.

We have gone late summer / early fall but now want to head up spring / early summer 2016. I do a lot of photography as many of you know and want to get some images of that time of year.

But want to also find new places along the routes - maybe change the routes some as we are in no hurry and wander some.

Thought is to go to the route of GT, then Y and then G east then west and back.

I will know the general opening dates and all that so date info not needed; places places to see and do would be appreciated.

This Forum has always been a great source of info so time to pick brains again.

You can post here or PM me or email me at


Be safe.
  • "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single list." I like that.

    You ask a good question on the camera equipment. Here I am, the guy with never a photography lesson in his life and never did it for a living (but now has gallery exhibits, magazine covers & inside pix and sells prints) that gets asks to speak at photo clubs. And similar questions are asked.

    I do not take my main camera hiking with the tripod and all. Too heavy and bulky.

    There are great point and shoot cameras out there these days and, quite honestly, some phones have great cameras. One of my best Grand Canyon shots (first picture on under On The Roads link) was shot with a p/s camera a few years back. Were out on the South Rim after dinner walking the dog and this appeared for about 5 minutes and I got it.

    Am open to suggestions on hiking. We are both fit but not the 9 of 10 level hikers we used to be. (I also used to run races up to 50 mile trail in my 40's and 50's - REALLY crazy!).
  • If you are going to Yellowstone, consider The Bear Tooth HWY just north east of Yellowstone. We did it last September and it was great. Would recommend that you do a truck tour and not take a trailer on this road. One of the nicest spots I have seen. Also the Chief Josef HWY too.
  • Lauren, how far can you hike, comfortably, in a day, with your camera equipment? There are a lot of little-known destinations that we could recommend, depending on your abilities. And congratulations on being "older but healthy" -- that is a great goal and a great achievement!
  • Don't make it too early Summer, at least for Glacier. In 2011, the Going to the Sun road didn't open until July 13th. That was the latest date in recent history, but if you want to drive the road (and you should, or, at least take one of the "red bus" tours) check that the road is open. Lots of great hiking, particularly on the East side of the park.

    For something fun & different, drive out to the Polebridge Mercantile on the West side of Glacier for a cinnamon bun or sticky roll. A great bakery out in the middle of nowhere!

    One stop between Yellowstone/the Tetons that I like to make is at Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho.
  • Again, great ideas.

    I need to also mention, I think, that we have been part time rv'ing 17 years and 95% of it in the 11 western states and 2 western provinces so have seen a lot and many of them many times.

    In fact, will be to UT and Grand Canyon again this fall.

    Am really looking for places along the corridor that I mentioned.

    I did see a nice rv park in Nephi that looked like it had a nice drive in the area and also wondered like up along Bear Lake.
  • That could be a great trip, go to Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Glacier and then back through Utah to Arches, Bryce, Zion (maybe some others as well) than Grand Canyon and home. That could take a while so you might want to set aside a whole bunch of time to do this. That could be a great trip up and own the width of our western part of the country along the Rocky Mountains, etc.
  • Been there and the Badlands a few times and not going that far east.

    Thanks though!
  • Speaking about new places, how about the Black Hills area of South Dakota?

    There are some very beautiful mountainous campgrounds in the park, and Needles Highway plus the other park road that sort of completes that loop. Rushmore is there too if you like huge crowds.