I would group like below. First try at it.
Crater lake
Cresent Lake
Diamond Lake
Bend/Sisters, Bend Century Drive
Mill City Fishermen’s Bend CG
Camp Sherman
Pauline Peak
La Pine Oregon
Smith Rock
Lava Caves
Newbery Volcanic Monumment
Theilsen View
Odell Lake
Columbi a River-Multnomah Falls
Mt Hood
Multnomah Falls
Timerline Lodge
Timothy Lake
Sandy, Oregon Donuts
Columbia River Maritime Museum/ Columbia River Bar
Tillamook Cheese Factory
Newport Aquarium
Beverly Beach SP
City of Newport
Oregon Coast Aquarium
Cannon Beach Haystack Rock
City of Florence
Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum
McMinnville Air Museum
Sea Lion Caves
Astoria Column
Lewis & Clack Fort Clastso
John Day Fossel Beds
John Day Chinese Pharmacy
Oregon Vortex
Charlston Fisherman’s Wharf
Grant’s Pass Raft Trip
Helllgate Jet Boats
Silver Falls SP
Historic Jacksonville
Pendleton Woolen Mill
Steens Mt
Succor Creek SP/Lesle Gulch
Sumpter Valley Dredge
City of Joseph
Wallawa Mts
Willowa Lake
Waterfalls Hwy 138 east of Roseburg