JaxDad wrote:
GDS-3950BH wrote:
The chance of you coming down with Covid19 and dying is lower than the chances of being killed in a vehicle accident on the way to an RV park.
Do you wear a seatbelt?
Yes, but a seat belt does not rule my life just the same as a virus is not going to. If anyone thinks some miracle vaccine will eradicate Covid 19 they're sadly mistaken just the same as the common cold or run of the mill influenza. Its here to stay.
Lockdown and hide the rest of your life if you care to,it's your choice. But then again maybe you will not have a choice, as some have already stated they are prepared to lock down the entire country if they deem it required. If that happens you can kiss this RVing goodbye. Your main concern will be getting your next loaf of bread or bowl of soup.