Ozlander wrote:
pnichols wrote:
All of this is well and good ... but what scares me most is a failed in-tank electric fuel pump out in the middle of nowhere. I WISH Ford offered a double fuel pump option for their E450 chassis used under motorhomes.
If I was worried about the in tank fuel pump, I would cut a hole in the floor over the fuel tank, make a removable cover and carry a spare pump.
Other people have done that.
Yeah .... I've read about doing that!
But first I've got to redesign the under-bed access method that Winnebago goofed on with regards to the huge volume under our rear corner bed ... which happens to be about directly over the Ford chassis 55 gallon gas tank.
A simple piano hinge along one edge of the under-bed support platform would have made perfect sense at RV construction time. Now I've got to install one :M in order to way-easier get at:
1. The fresh water tank.
2. The hot water tank.
3. The water pump.
4. And a whole bunch of freshwater plumbing in which some of the PEX fittings have begun to fail ... not the PEX tubing itself ... but the fittings for it. The failing PEX fittings are a white color plastic of some kind and after years they're developing micro-cracks. I don't think that Teflon material does that ... at least I hope not because the new replacement fittings I'm having to painfully install look to maybe be Teflon ... at least hopefully some type of different/better material than the original white plastic PEX fittings that Winnebago used.
Ford designing in double in-tank fuel pumps (with each one on independent circuits) would have been a real sweet - and at a relatively cheap cost adder - way to insure reliability in the field. Hopefully $$$$ expedition-type vehicles have bases like this covered.