I've noticed that many RVs usually come from the factory already setup for some degree of temporary camping off the grid. Most of their buyers just don't use them that way, for various reasons.
As for us we like flexibility in how and where we camp with our rig, so we try to always be ready for anything when on the open road. Our stick house already is plenty far enough "out in Mother Nature", so we like to continue with that kind of environment when camping ... but don't have to when on certain types of RV trips.
It does make us sad, however, in how the U.S. small town environment is becoming a thing of the past - thus forcing more and more of us to do our daily living a long way from "off the grid". I understand the trapped feeling that many of today's urban/city dwellers must feel. Thank goodness RVs allow us to change our environment fairly easily - albeit only temporarily.
However, sometimes in winter storms we are forced "off the grid" when we don't want it! ;)