Yeah, the little 45w is enough to keep them float charged day to day, but if we were using it we'd have to run the gen. I've got a good 10,20,40 amp charger that could top them off to 90% or so pretty quickly. Maybe I can get the batteries up far enough each morning that the solar can top them off. I'm going to add a meter of some sort soon, and do some experimenting with power just to see. I'll check current with the fridge and water heater on DC next time we turn them on.
Trouble with adding more is the silly way I wound up with solar in the first place. I was given a 20 watt panel, I bought a 5-45 watt battery tender to go with it, then broke the free panel and bought a 45 watt to max out the charge control. To add more I be starting over. If we wind up with two campers the small one will almost certainly be outfitted with more than the bigger one. None of the existing solar stuff is permanently mounted so it could move to the 5er to float it and I wouldn't feel so silly starting over on the little one.
We've got all LED lighting so that helps. There's a nearby park that she wanted to camp at until she heard it had no hookups. I'll get her to go for a short weekend this fall before the time changes and takes away evening daylight.