agesilaus wrote:
I'd keep an eye on the long range forecasts. Last I saw they were predicting an early, very cold, and snowy winter except for the west coast. There have been lots of record low temps this summer so far.
Utah may end up in the west coast warm region tho. The predicted El Nino has been a non starter, maybe a weak one in the spring of '15.
I never know what the weather will be like up there, 2 years ago I thought we were going to have to build an Arc and float home due to the rain. Last year we got 8 inches of snow the third night which melted off in 2 days then dumped another 10 inches 3 day before we packed up. I will have enough steel to chain up all four tires in case I have to drag the trailer off the hill and when all else fails the quad might get me out.