I'm not one to defend a chain/franchise since it is up to the consumer to purchase the services, but I feel I should at least come to the defense of an organization which supports the RV lifestyle and offers what I believe to be good service. KOA has put a great deal of pressure on the franchise operators to clean up their act and meet at lest the basic standards. That said, I find KOA consistent: consistently clean, friendly, and everything in working order. Some are exceptional, even resort quality: KOA Petaluma, San Diego, Williams Circle of Pines, Salt Lake City...could all be called destination locations. Yes, compared to some places a KOA is pricey, and compared to a free parking lot it is down right expensive. But when I reserve my space in the morning by phone I know a spot will be ready when I pull in, even if it is after the office closes. My map and info sheet will be posted on the board. Everything at the site will work. If I go on-line the price with all additional charges are listed. And it is a franchise, so for the most part, the manager is the owner, and the whole family works at the park. They have a vested interest in good service. Yes, there are some company locations. But lets all be fair, and lets not paint a chain from one experience, especially a historically past experience.
Sorry for being long winded, just needed to vent.
Happy Trails to All.