Been doing this for 10 years here in NB....pretty cold Province.
We have a basement & drain all water to set tub in basement & out to septic tank. Plumbers Anti-freeze in all sinks, toilets, etc.
Put in a US (or other) Thermostat that allows settings lower that 10C (50F.)
We set our Thermostat to 42F, we have a camera system using the Internet with a camera in the house showing the Thermostat & a BIG Thermometer above it, look at it when on the internet in Florida. Never had a problem with moisture or any deterioration in the house.
We have electric heat & wood furnace, the wood furnace is used only when we are home, on the wood furnace thermostat we put a small red bulb that comes on when the wood furnace is calling for heat by opening the wood draft. When the electric furnace kicks in the light goes out & one can see that the electric furnace is functioning.
Retired neighbour comes once a week, lives across the road monitors the house from his window. I am lucky to have him as he looks after other things while we are gone.
Hope this helps.